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4-Wheel Spinners Vs 2-Wheel Rolling Luggage

4-Wheel Spinners Vs 2-Wheel Rolling Luggage

What type of rolling luggage should you choose? There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of suitcase. How you like to travel and where you are going will determine to a large extent if 4-wheel or 2-wheel luggage suits your trip.

Answering a few simple questions can help you decide which is the right bag for you.

  1. Ease of Mobility

What type of surface will your bag be rolling over? Does your itinerary include cobblestone streets and hilly terrain or are you rushing through large airports with a carry-on?

  1. Weight

How lightweight do you want your bag to be? How much do you plan on packing and are you able to pull your bag behind you? Do you need to stack extra bags? 

  1. Interior space and exterior dimensions

Do you need maximum packing space? What are the size restrictions for your airline carrier? Are you checking your bag or carrying it on the plane?


 So which one should you choose?

 When 4-wheel spinner luggage is best

Very little effort is needed to maneuver the suitcase. The ground supports the weight of the bag so you can push or pull it with one finger! This is especially helpful if you suffer from back or shoulder problems. A Spinner rolls best on flat surfaces like at the airport terminal and its 360-degree mobility is ideal for gliding through the narrow aisle to your airplane seat. A spinner is practically guaranteed to never tip over, even when you stack extra bags on top of it. It is recommended for elderly travelers, heavier suitcases or travelling with a family. The smaller spinner wheels can be more fragile and add some height and weight to the suitcase.

When 2-wheeled luggage is best 

If you’re rushing to catch a plane or pulling your suitcase up and down stairs and over uneven terrain, the 2-wheel design is a better option. The suitcase tends to be lighter with larger, sturdier, protected wheels that are recessed and don't protrude, providing a better fit in the overhead bin of the airplane. And the bag won’t roll away from you when you’re on an incline! There’s a bit more packing space but it can tip if overloaded.

 4-Wheeled Suitcase

samsonite firelite

  • Effortless 360 degree mobility on smooth surfaces, wheels swivel in all directions
  • Stable, won’t tip over
  • Easy to stack extra bags
  • Glides easily down narrow aircraft aisle
  • No weight to pull or push
  • Wheels generally add height and weight

 2-Wheeled Suitcase

eagle creek tarmac

  • Rolls forward faster and better on uneven terrain
  • More interior packing space
  • Fits better into overhead bin on airplane
  • Larger recessed wheels are sturdier and more protected from damage
  • Generally lighter weight
  • Won’t roll away
  • Can tip if overloaded
  • Shoulders, arms and back support more of the weight
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CHristine MAnore - December 3, 2016

Je me souviens d’un temps où les valises n’avaient pas de roues. Point. Deux ou quatre…je serais bien contente de gagner!

Anne M.. - December 3, 2016

I definitely prefer the two-wheeler. We travel a lot and, even though we are seniors, we are usually hauling our luggage over all kinds of terraine. The wheels are sturdier and more protected from damage.

LInda - December 3, 2016

As a senior with mobility issues a move from 2 to 4 wheeler will improve my travel experience. The effortless maneuverability and stability of the 4 wheeler are essential. I’m sold!

Carole Melancon - December 2, 2016

Je préfère la valise a 2 roues car c est plus facile la trainer et de la diriger car ,par experience, la valise a 4 roues ,surtout la 29 pouces, je dois la pousser et, si j utilise la poignée, elle se dirige dans tous les sens! Plus difficile a contrôler:)

Marcel Allard - December 2, 2016

Je préfêre la valise à 2 roues

Hayley - December 2, 2016

Two wheels please! When traveling every pound counts so we try to buy lightweight luggage. Also, I prefer the look of 2 wheels. Thank you for the handy guide referencing the pros and cons of each.

Anne - December 2, 2016

Absolutely, I prefer the 4-wheeler for it’s 360º mobility and that it won’t tip over. That it’s easy on the back, neck & shoulders is a great bonus too.

Jocelyne Sirois - December 2, 2016

J’aimerais la valise à 4 roues pour la facilité de déplacement.

Richard L - December 1, 2016

I travel over 150k miles per year with both extensive travel in Canada/US and abroad. For overall use, i’d highly suggest getting a 4-wheeler for one simple reason – it’s easier to maneuver in tight spaces (e.g. Aisles, bathrooms, line-ups). While you may be sacrificing a bit of space relative to a two-wheeler, the ease of convenient travel trumps all. Another tip for carry-on travelers, get a bag with an outside pouch. This allows you to store easy to access items such as passports, toothbrushes and liquids to pull out for security. I personally love the Briggs and Riley bags for their quality and thoughtful functionality.

Marie Lemieux - December 1, 2016

I prefer the 2-wheel system because it is lighter, easier to ride around and leaves more packing space.

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